Wednesday, August 20, 2008

memorial day poem

If you do not quote the poem itself when you are making an argument about it, you damage your credibility. Love poems have been an integral part of any literature, whether it is Western or Oriental.

I didn't manage to write my own poem but what I did find were some very fitting poems for funeral tributes in a book that I found after a long search through the internet. At a hard time like this you really do need help to arrange funeral poems, don't try and do everything yourself. Read numerous love poems before making your decision.

You might not be an artistic or creative person. But ensure it is not over whelming because it might upset the bereaving family. If you are asked to speak at a memorial or funeral service and are having a difficult time writing down how this loss has made you or the family feel, consider including a poem in your tribute.

It is nice to read poetry, it is quick, it is condensed, it is great. You must merely know where to look and what you want to say.

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