Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Death is not an easy subject for anyone to discuss or cope with. One of the best ways to express one s thoughts is to pen a beautiful poem.

For all human beings grief is the most difficult to face and the loss of someone dear to us is very hard to cope. An important factor, be truthful and sincere, speak from your heart. Spiritual poetry can try to point out some particular truth.

Some of the most famous, to give you an idea of what these famous wordsmiths gave to their wives and husbands include touching declarations of love on anniversaries, the days following a new marriage or just because they wanted to say I love you. If someone might buy a gift for a friend today, Shakespeare would have written that person a sonnet. It's not always about the amount of money we spend on a loved one, but rather the thoughtfulness and time that goes into creating such a unique and personal gift.

It can be framed, written in a card, spoken over the phone, recited one to one or even emailed if time is not on your side. For more tips and techniques on composing poetry, look around the net.

Sad Love Break Up Poems - it's your thing Thank You Poem For Mom Poetry Guide Poems To Say Thank You To A Friend - Poems 101

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