If you currently having troubles in your relationship, it is good to take time and reflect where you are with your relationship. First, when you analyze a poem, it is best to use present tense rather than past tense for your verbs.
Write down exactly what you want to say in your love poem, you may be able to find a poem written three hundred years ago that expresses your same sentiments. Funeral poems are used to help overcome shock right away. There are, however, those who believe that feelings cannot be expressed through another's words, and it is such people who make even the best cynics eat their words.
The poet usually describes his lover as a Goddess or an angel. You may feel that your writing skills are not adequate enough to accurately portray your feelings to your best friend. Just remember, while you can always send beautiful roses but it's always better to send beautiful roses and a love poem, the poem that you so lovingly compose and send will stay saved in her in secret box and in her heart forever.
It is nice to read poetry, it is quick, it is condensed, it is great. Poetry can do amazing things.